The Effect Of Price, Service Quality, Customer Value, And Brand Image On Customers Satisfaction Of Telkomsel Cellular Operators In East Java Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of price, service quality, customer value, and brand image on customer s atisfaction. The
sampling method uses purposive sampling. The sample of this study amounted to 200 respondents. The analysis method used multiple linear regression
with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution). The results of this study price have a significant positive effect on c ustomer satisfaction. By with
the benefits obtained by customers. Service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Quality of service provided can to meet the needs and
desires of consumers as well as customer complaints, criticism, suggestions, or just asking for help responded quickly with a solution by the customer
care. Customer value has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Benefits received can increase consumer trust. Consumers will be satisfied with the
services provided. Brand image has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. The image of the Telkomsel cellular operator brand can be said to be
good, well-known, easy to remember, and able to create consumer interest in the products offered.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]